Monday, December 15, 2014

iPad apps to install

Spend some time getting to know how to use ALL the apps on your iPad. You will need to take TIME to play with each one before you'll know what's hard for your kids! I'll review each one here, one at a time, but the best learning will come when you give yourself fifteen minutes or a half hour on each one. 

For each app, ask yourself, if applicable: 
  • How does this work?
  • How do I log in?
  • How do I teach my students how to use it?
  • How will they log in?
  • How will they save their creations?
  • What issues do I foresee they will run into?

If you run into any problems, issues, concerns or confusion, please note it in the Googledoc.

Here are links to the ones YOU'LL need to install on your teacher iPad, but will be on the student iPads.

ConnectEd (shortcut) - more info soon
World Book (shortcut)
Popplet ($4.99 - try Popplet Lite)
Google Drive - there may be other apps that are better, stay tuned, but at least know how to access your drive from your iPad
Google Mail - may be other mail apps that are better, stay tuned

Lexmark (print app)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Reflector and AirPlay

Find Reflector by clicking the magnifying glass (Spotlight tool) in the upper right corner and typing Reflector.

Directions for using Reflector:

Math support

Reflex Math - available to 36 students in grades 2-5 through a grant Maggi got - if you want to be involved, please submit the names to Carol or Maggi.

Xtra Math - This is super easy to do. I've created accounts for the whole school, but you can make your own class if you prefer. I'll link your email to the account, print parent letters and a list of PINs for you -- just email me at idzikows at aaps.

Moby Max - Again, I've created accounts for the whole school. Your students log in here: If you want to use MobyMax, create a free teacher account at Pittsfield and I'll link you to your class list, print letters and give you a roster.

RAZ Kids isn't math, but if you want your students to be signed up for that, let me know.

Google Apps resources

Maggi's Google Apps presentation

the district's Google Apps presentation from August's PD

YouTube videos about Google: teacher tips from Google | collaboration with Gdocs

Google Classroom: presentation | YouTube

AAPS Instructional Tech blog and Going Google site

Lesson plans: compiled by Google