Daisy the Dino (Free):
Challenge goal based interaction. Single object (Daisy the Dino) programming. The methods and properties are all entered sequentially to solve a challenge given. Simplistic click and drag interface, no debugging. Good for 4-6 yo.
Kodable/Kodable Classroom (Paid - Account based):
Challenge goal based interaction. Single object programming which introduces successively more complex objects and motions. Basic procedural programming constructs are taught - branching, looping, etc... Click and drag interface. Some tutorials and a crude debugging system. Good for 5-8 yo.
ScratchJr (Free):
User defined goal based interaction. Multiple object (Characters) programming. Children define scenes they want the characters to act out. Basic procedural programming constructs are taught - branching, looping, etc... Click and drag interface. Good Sprite (Character) editor Multiple projects can be saved by each user. Well composed guides for learning about the interface and the types of programming blocks. Good for 7-12 yo.
Tynker (Free - Account based):
User defined goal based interaction. Multiple object programming. Users can create their own games and review existing games to learn basic programming skills needed to produce their own. Very attractive interface. Children can learn at their own pace in a self contained, engaging environment. It's like playing a videogame with increasing skill levels. The Sprite editor is the most advanced I've seen for this level of app. Many important aspects of game creation are covered: Tracking, Drawing, Sound, Animation, Randomization, Constraints, etc...Great for 7yo+